jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Holidays in other countries

Thai new year

English was used to spread information about   new years eve  in thai .
They explain how is celebreated , and when. I learned their very particular way of celebration.
The date of celebration is april 13. They make the celebration by spreading water to others  because they believe water purifies people and takes away all the bad . I find it a very unique form of having fun and at the same time celebrating new year. It would be interesting to live the experience .

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013


1 . Matatu drivers are  treated in his experience with the BBC  with full respect and admiration , they even think that they are the backbone of the society and that is the point where ll the cultures meet , although in the documentary they express the disadvantages of being a matatu driver and the steryotipes people have about them 

2 I think that its depending on the place where they are located because if you are in a wealthy zone people maybe have same steryotipes of mototaxistas that they have of matatu drivers, that they are in drugs or are alcoholic are some of them . But if you are  located in a town for example, where that is the main way of transportation ;people dont think in such a bad way about them because they are the same that a taxi driver . 

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

Favorite Carnival Moments

This last week was a very interesting and fun week , i saw the cutural diversity of my amazing city  represented in the folcloric dances, costumes , and songs . I went to the "batalla de flores" were i had an amazing time with my family, especially my aunts that came from spain and was there fisrt carnivals in the city, so we show them all the happiness that carnival represent to us as a citizen,so we  watched  the whole parade , this was one of my favorite carnival moments and it will always remain in my mind.

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

Tuareg culture

1 We learn that they are very dedicated on their way of prepearing the teas , they are a conservative culture , they dont live in a city , it seems like they have a rural life . The lirics are kind of interesting .

Lyrics :

I drank some tea

This pain is a burden
If only my cell would turn into an open plain.
I drank a glass of tea that scorched my heart.
You told me something and I never answered
But if we meet one day, I'll remind you
This woman, who I glimpsed
Without even sitting down or kneeling
If only this cell could become as vast as a prairie
I'd fly off like a bird
The lion is intrepid and the frog is vulnerable
But the latter is better at finding the path to water.

2  For what i saw in the video i can tell that this is  a very special culture who really emphasize in music and deep lyrics with unknown connotations for me , i am not involved with that kind of music but for them it seems a way of  expresing their feelings and deep thoughts .The only connection i could see between the guy pouring the tea again and again and heating it , was the first phrase that says i drank some tea. They use the tea  as kind of a metaphore to refer to the heat  .

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

Barranquilla cultural capital of 2013

1.Barranquilla was chosen because of the outstanding impression that the city gave to the entity that made the election .They saw in barrranqulla a place full of culture , happiness , and integrity  .The previews was supported  by the words of the president of the international bureo who said :

"for the city's clear commitment to make culture a strategic element of social cohesion, civic revitalization, economic development and international promotion," - stated by Xavier Tudela."
2.Barranquilla will be promoted  in an international level by Antena 3 International and Discovery Networks Latin America/U.S. Hispanic, both official television channels of the American Capital of Culture. This will open the doors of the city too many opportunities , and  it will also give barranquilla  internatinal recognition , increasing the level of tourism .

jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

North American man teaching english in Uganda

1.There are two points of views in this story ,we can see  the white man , someone that have been educated in a different country  , have different customs ,  is from a different culture and finds upseting things that are usual to  the black man . The black man is the other point of view  that we can see in the story , the characters dont share many things in common referring  to their way of behavior .

2.The reason of the discommunication is that  as they dont share the same way of thinking , because they have different cultures , and ways of looking at the things , so the things that one of them find normal , the other thinks its not. For example when the white man says that the black man starts cleanning when he is working , and that he does it on purpose , this is because he doesnt know that for the black man is the normal thing to do .

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Introducing my self

Hi my name is Karen , i am from Barranquilla , i am sixteen years old , 
right now i am in second semester of law at Uninorte , i am also studying English , 
today i created my class blog , the link is the following : 


 I love eating , watching movies and series , making exercise , and sleeping .